Hizb ut-Tahrir, convened two press conferences in Beirut and London on Friday 3rd April 2009, a day after the London G20 summit, where it launched its new book "Towards a Tranquil Safe World under the Shade of the Economic System of Islam."
The book examines the global economic crisis, explains its reality, critically examines its symptoms and exposes the flaws in the solutions proposed by the flagbearers of Capitalism. The book concludes by illustrating the correct solutions to the economic crisis from Islam - solutions that are from the Creator of the universe and the Creator of mankind, who knows what is best for His creation.
On the panel in London were Dr Imran Waheed, Hasan al-Hasan, and Taji Mustafa. The event was chaired by Sajjad Khan.
After speeches in english and arabic, a lively question and answer session followed with questions from the audience and others around the world who were watching the live webcast.
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